Book Barcelona Superblock
The book provides an interdisciplinary analysis of Barcelona’s g#Superilla project, exploring urban, social and environmental perspectives.
The book highlights the qualities and potential criticalities of the project, giving valuable guidance for other cites that wish to implement similar initiatives.
The book includes contributions from key professionals, directly and indirectly involved in the implementation and analysis of the project.
‘Barcelona Superilla’ is a co-edition of Listlab Editore and Barcelona Llibres.
Prefactio by Ignacio Grávalos and Patrizia Di Monte architects of Superilla pilot case, Poble Nou, Barcelona.
Francesco Cocco, Massimiliano Scaglione, Ignacio Grávalos Lacambra, Patrizia Di Monte, Andrea Cappai, Salvador Rueda, Felipe Pich-Aguilera, Jaime Battle, Teresa Battle, Xavier Matilla, Berta Cormenzana Izquierdo, Silvia Casorran Martos, Natalia Mueller, Mark Nieuwenhuijsen, zaida muxí martínez, Belen Iturralde, Lluís Torrens Mèlich, Eliana Pires de Souza, Alex Dobaño Princep, Albert Fuster Martí, ROGER PAEZ, Laia Torras, Josep Bohigas
#barcelona #superilla #Supermanzana #superblock #listlab