gravalosdimonte architects invited artist at the exhibition “Past Futures, Present, Futures“. The exhibition presents 101 unrealized proposals for New York City, dating from its formation to today with 101 reenactments by invited artists, architects, writers and policy-makers to create alternative visions for the present and future of the city. With the belief that art and architecture, beyond the production of new forms of capital or building solutions, have the power to re-imagine new forms of collective aspiration, the exhibition will present a past and future historiography of novel ideas in New York to open discussion about relevant actions in the city, their vectors of desire, methodologies, limits, audiences and agents. Gravalosdimonte architect’ s mission is to reenact the Christo and Jeanne-Claude’ s work: “441 Barrels Structure” in the 53rd Street between 5th and 6th Avenue (Project for June 9, 1968, The Museum of Modern Art N.Y.)
Storefront for art and architecture, 97 Kenmare Street, New York, NY 10012 · October 6, 2012 – November 24, 2012
Invited Artists Include:
Aaron Jones [Detroit]
Adria Carbonell [Oman]
Alvaro Urbano [Berlin]
Andreas Angelidakis & Sotiris Vasiliou [Athens]
ABRUZZO BODZIAK, Emily Abruzzo & Gerald Bodziak [New York]
AMID.cero9, Cristina Dïaz Moreno & Efrén García Grinda [Barcelona]
Ants of the Prairie, Joyce Hwang [Buffalo]
Archmongers, Margaret Bursa & Johan Hybschmann [London]
Architecture Commons, Eugene Chang, Eric Ho & Rick Lam [New York]
Arqueología del Futuro/PKMN, Rocio Pina Isla & Carmelo Rodríguez Cedillo [Madrid]
Arquitectura 911sc, Jose Castillo [Mexico City]
asensio_mah, Leyre Asensio Villoria & David Mah [Boston]
Beatrice Galilee [London]
BIG, Bjarke Ingels [New York-Copenhagen]
Bureau des Mesarchitectures, Didier Faustino [Paris]
Bureau Spectacular, Jiminez Lai [Chicago]
SadarVuga, Bostjan Vuga, Andreas Cesarini & Victor Barbalato [Ljubljana]
Candy Chang [New Orleans]
Carolina Trigo [Helsinki]
Christy Cheng [New York]
Christian Kerrigan [London]
RuyKlein, Karel Kelin & David Ruy [New York]
Dennis Maher [Buffalo]
Dread Scott [New York]
dpr-barcelona, Ethel Baraona Pohl & César Reyes Nájera [Barcelona]
DRDH Architects, Richard Marks [London]
Emre Hüner [Berlin]
Experiments in Architecture and Research (E.A.R.), Jordan Carver [New York]
Fake Industries Architectural Agonism, Cristina Goberna & Urtzi Grau [New York-Barcelona]
Felix Burrichter [New York]
Gaspar Libedinski [Buenos Aires]
Geoff Manaugh & John Becker [New York]
GMG Collective, Kostas Grigoriadis & Eduardo McIntosh [London]
Gravalosdimonte Arquitectos, Patrizia Di Monte & Ignacio Gravalos [Zaragoza]
ikstudio, Mariana Ibañez & Simon Kim [London]
IwamotoScott Architecture with Benjamin Rice [San Francisco]
Jack Hogan [Dublin]
JDS, Julien De Smedt [New York]
Jonathan D Solomon [Syracuse]
Kokkugia, Roland Snooks & Robert Stuart-Smith [New York-London]
Leong Leong, Chris Leong & Dominic Leong [New York]
Liam Young [London]
Lydia Kallipoliti & Sofia Krimizi [New York]
MAS, Philipp von Dalwig [New York]
Nooka, Matthew Waldman & Manuel Oh [New York]
Miguel Robles-Durán [New York]
Mimi Zeiger [Los Angeles]
MMX Studio, Jorge Arvizu, Ignacio del Rio, Emmanuel Ramirez & Diego Ricalde [Mexico City]
MODU, Phu Hoang & Rachely Rotem [New York]
MvS Architects, Paul Minifie, Jan van Schaik & Finn Warnock [Melbourne]
N, David Burns, Adrian Lahoud & Sam Spurr [London-Sydney]
NABITO Architects & Partners, Ale Faticanti & Bebo Ferlito [Barcelona]
NaJa & deOstos, Nannette Jackowski & Ricardo de Ostos [London]
Nancy Nowacek [New York]
NAO, Srdjan Jovanovic Weiss [New York]
Office for Political Innovation, Andrés Jaque [Madrid]
Patrick Tierney [San Francisco]
Pedro Gadanho [New York]
Pep Avilés [Barcelona-New York]
Popular Architecture, Casey Mack [New York]
Sam Jacoby [London]
San Roco, 2A+P, baukuh, OFFICE KGDVS, Salottobuono [Milan]
SCHAUM/SHIEH, Troy Schaum & Rosalyne Shieh [Houston-New York]
STPMJ, Seung Teak Lee & Mi Jung Lim [New York]
SUPERMANOEUVRE, Iain Maxwell & David Pigram [London-Sydney]
Snohetta, Laia Clema, Karli Molter, Samantha Stein & Justin Shea [Oslo-New York]
SOFTlab, Michael Szivos [New York]
SO-IL, Florian Idenburg & Jing Liu [New York]
Sou Fujimoto Architects [Tokyo]
Space Group, Gro Bonesmo, Gary Bates & Adam Kurdahl [Oslo]
Spec.Ae, Carla Leitao & Ed Keller with Jillian Crandall [New York]
Sporaarchitects, Adam Hatvani, Tibor Dékány, Orsolya Vadász, Bence Várhidi &
Studio Dror, Dror Benshetrit [New York]
Tibor Várady [Budapest]
Terreform ONE, Mitchell Joachim, Maria Aiolova & Melanie Fessel [New York]
VKN, Giancarlo Valle, Isaiah King & Ryan Neiheiser [New York]
W/– Projects, Jiminie Ha & Pete Deevakul [New York]
WEATHERS, Sean Lally [Chicago]
XEFIROTARCH, Hernan Diaz Alonso [Los Angeles]
Curated by Eva Franch, Exhibition Design by Leong Leong, Graphic Design by Project Projects, Digital Strategy by the Storefront Technology Committee with technology implementation by Control Group, Arup and Digi. Image Support by Planar, Curatorial Research Team: Chialin Chou and Greg Barton
Year 1968
On the 5th of June Christo proposed to build a wall of 441 petroleum barrels in 53th street of Manhattan, close to MOMA. It was a temporal action, with a planned duration of 3 to 5 hours. This proposal, suggested -from a convincing way – the power of petroleum as a power instrument to move the world. Some barrels capable of paralyzing the common life of citizens and of organizing it in its own way, in a chaotic, imposing and brutal way, the everyday life of a city like Manhattan. It was a traffic and pedestrian circulation cut, but it had clear reminiscences to the public life paralyzation. Those years were curiously ones in which the population felt the need to rebel, to go out to the street, to complain and to propose a different world. Those protests disappeared under the weight of the petroleum barrels.
Year 2012
44 years after, the world has had a fast transformation. A new instrument has arisen again, capable of changing the world and this time in a subtle way: the human voices. We dramatize the same again, with the union of different voices (441 loudspeakers) that have the capacity to build an effective and powerful message, this time, steelless, without physical barriers, but building a sound layer, intangible and ephemeral..Just like a magnetic impulse.
Several citizens will be invited to register a wish or any message that they consider capable of changing reality in some way. Each voice will be associated to a loudspeaker, suspended from the sky by very light cables that will run through the street at different points. Different messages will get crossed randomly, creating a virtual mesh, weaving a collective speech with different sensibilities. In this way literary messages will get mixed with political ideas, precise proposals, utopian proposals or initially absurd words. Messages that will travel through territories spread with particular obsessions, expectations, hidden ghosts, public commitments, and all that builds the cartography of human emotions. Ideas that will navigate through the air creating a very subtle barrier that will temporarily modify everyday life in this urban field that will get dissolved with time.(a dream of 3 to 5 hours).
Sounds that will briefly stage the potential of language as an expression capable to cover the abyss between man and the world and that can survive to a world governed by petroleum.
441 loudspeakers suspended from aerial cables.
1 sound recorder
1 sound player
Volunteer citizens
Twitter users
October 2012
Museum of Modern Art, New York City, 53th Street.
The end.
Project Title: Wall consisting of 441 voices
Project author: Patrizia Di Monte + Ignacio Grávalos gravalosdimonte arquitectos
Project year: october 2012
Site: [new york]: