This year we are visiting professors at NABA Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti
within the Academic Master
New Urban Design.
Our course titled
New topologies to address climate change” will focus the advent of new climatic conditions which requires rethinking the concept of urban space. Therefore, it is necessary to reprogram the built city, to influence strategic points that allow the triggering of fast and effective processes. The workshop proposes intervention on existing urban spaces through prototypes that can mitigate the consequences of climate change and promote a certain renaturalization of the city. It is about proposing urban “grafts”, acting punctually in strategic places with the will to design a hybrid landscape between the tectonic and the natural, a kind of “cyborg landscape”.
The aim is that the proposals should fight heat islands, produce environmental regeneration, decarbonise, make the most of natural resources, facilitate energy capture, promote soil permeability,
provide shade, humidify the atmospheric environment, revegetate or encourage plant pollination. Finally, we are not looking for a universal solution but rather interventions that take into account the socio-cultural context and that allow the solution to be found with the elements present in the surrounding context.
· Addressing the problem of heat islands.
· Interventions on the already built city, the need to
reprogram it.
· Dialectic between landscape and artifice, between the
prototype and nature. Symbiotic possibilities.
· Small-size interventions.
· Capability to interact with citizens. Actors engagement.
Detect the problem, analyze it and express it graphically.
Environmental conditions.
Taxonomy of anthropic interferences.
Codification of citizen desires.
Critical analysis of case studies
Heat impact
Flows, interaction
Materiality, design and prototype construction
Design and construction process
Due to the diversity of the ecosystem,
students are facing different environments depending on their origins, from India to Cambogia, República Dominicana, China, Perú, Turkey, Armenia, Moldavia, Romania, Belgium … A new wave of utopías, ecologysm and imaginarium will spread roots all around the planet.