GRÁVALOSDIMONTE, Arquitectura Zaragoza



lecture at the conference Radius of Art, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Berlin

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Three quite different projects exemplify possible contributions that art can make to the culture of the public realm. The ensuing debate will examine these examples in terms of their impact on their respective urban societies. discussion will be focused on the participatory approach and aspects of commemorative underliving each project. The projects to be focused are:
estonoesunsolar, by Patrizia Di Monte and Ignacio Grávalos architects;
-woher kollege, wohin kollege, by the duo artist Empfangshalle (Corbinian Böhm and Michael Gruber);
-werkstatt für Veränderung by the artist Seraphina Lentz

patrizia di monte lecturer at the conference Radius of Art, Heinrich Böll Stiftung

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